Sunday, March 18, 2012


Well not exactly, but I have started making my own alcohol at home.  By federal law, I'm allowed 100 gallons of beer and 100 gallons of wine a year.  That seems like a lot.  There's a kit one can buy online (I don't feel like looking it up right now) and it comes with pre-measured yeast packs and an airlock.  I started with pineapple, but the brand I was using had pulp, which ended up blocking the vent and caused the airlock to pop off.  I'll keep my eyes out for a pineapple juice without solids in it.  Right now I'm finishing off my apple.  It's not very strong, but it tastes nice. 

I found it especially nice last evening after a night of drinking and dancing.  Most people probably associate hangovers with waking up the next day, but I've noticed that if I drink enough early in the day, I will start to get a headache once I stop drinking.  One way to curb it is to grab a beer and take a swig.  Usually that does the trick, but it's important to not drink too much more.  So I went out for a friend's birthday, but it was also St Patrick's Day.  I started drinking around 7:30 and stopped at 10, or so.  Once downtown, I had a little water and a Red Bull.  Much dancing.  Afterward, I swung by McDonald's for some chicken nuggets and then headed home.  I noticed this weird feeling and identified it as the very beginning of the hangover.  I poured a glass of sturm (technically what I made) and that staved it off until I was asleep.

I decided I would look it up after all.  My e-mail confirmation calls the kit "DIY Juice to Alcohol Kit".  Reading online in various homebrew forums shows the contempt some people have for it, as it's not very sophisticated.  I don't care.  It makes alcohol ;)